About the Recipe
Here is a great main course vegan dinner that is “Oh So Pretty,” and will satisfy your every craving! Juicy and flavoursome, spicey and hot, nutritious and satisfying tabouleh style stuffed mushrooms!

Mushroom cups
4 Large Portobello mushrooms
4 Crushed Garlic cloves
Salt and black pepper to taste
4 tbsp Olive oil
60g Fine cracked bulgar wheat
½ cup of hot water
60g cooked chickpeas, drained or I x 300g tin well drained
1 cup of fresh parsley (chopped)
1 cup of fresh coriander (chopped)
½ cup spring onions finely (chopped)
½ cup pomegranate seeds
1 ½ tbsp GENNY GRAHAM Orange Cumin Pepper Jelly
3 tbsp Olive oil
1 ½ Tbsp Lemon juice
Preheat the oven at 180ºC/350º
Soak the bulgur wheat in the boiling water and cover for 30 minutes until it absorbs all of the water.
To prepare the mushrooms, twist out the large stalk of the portobello mushrooms and gently scrap out the black gills with a spoon and discard. Wipe off the dome of the mushroom with a kitchen towel.
Drizzle a little olive oil onto a baking sheet and coat the mushrooms dome side down by just moving them around in the oil. Drizzle more olive oil into the cup of the mushroom, sprinkle with salt and freshly ground black pepper and the crushed garlic and place the seasoned mushrooms into the centre of the hot oven at gas mark 180ºC/350º for approximately 15 minutes.
Finely chop the spring onions, the parley and the coriander. Prepare the pomegranate by tapping out the juicy seed pods.
Combine the filling by emptying the cooked and drained chickpeas into a medium mixing bowl, add the cracked wheat, chopped spring onions, chopped parsley and half of the pomegranate seeds. Loosely toss them together.
Make up the dressing by combining the orange cumin pepper jelly, lemon juice and olive oil in a small pan over the stove. Warm gently until it makes a smooth dressing and only just begins to bubble.
Pour the dressing over the cracked wheat filling and gently toss together. Spoon this combination into the warm baked mushrooms and return to the oven for a further 5 minutes.
Lay two stuffed mushrooms onto a bed of your favourite salad leaves, sprinkle the remaining pomegranate seeds on top and serve immediately.
Serves 2 as main course, or 4 as a side dish